GICs and Term Deposits
Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) are investments that pay a fixed rate of interest for a specified term between one and five years.
Term Deposits are investments that pay fixed interest for a specified term between 30 and 365 days.
Your principal is guaranteed in both cases and there are no withdrawal privileges unless otherwise stated.
Libro Prime Rate: 5.450%
All rates are subject to change without notice.
A short-term deposit is right for you if you’re saving for a short-term goal and don’t need your money before the end of the term.
Patronage bonus rates on Term Deposits and GIC’s (registered and non-registered) are available to those who do significant business with Libro. Owners who purchase or renew their investment online will always receive a 0.25% bonus on their rate. To see if you qualify, please contact your Libro Coach or Libro Connect. No additional bonuses are available on special rates.
A long-term GIC is right for you if you want a predictable return and don’t need access to your money before the end of the term.
Patronage bonus rates on Term Deposits and GIC’s (registered and non-registered) are available to those who do significant business with Libro. Owners who purchase or renew their investment online will always receive a 0.25% bonus on their rate. To see if you qualify, please contact your Libro Coach or Libro Connect. No additional bonuses are available on special rates.
A variable deposit is right for you if you’re saving for a short-term goal and are not ready to lock your money into a specific term.
Have questions?
Speak with a Libro Coach today to learn more about your investing options.