Investment Options

Grow Prosperity with Investments

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Account Options

Before you pick which investment products you want in your accounts, you need to know what kinds of account options are available. Most of the investment products — GICs, term deposits, savings accounts, mutual funds*, and more — can go in each of these types of accounts.



A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is an individual tax-sheltered investment account registered with the federal government that you use to save for retirement.

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Save for retirement, while getting a tax break today



Money grows, tax-sheltered



Normally taxed as income when withdrawn, but you may be able to use funds to buy a home or go to school, with no tax payable today


More On RRSP



A Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) is an individual registered fund that is opened when you transfer funds from your RRSP in preparation for retirement.

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Convert your RRSP to an RRIF, pay taxes only on what you take out



Minimum annual withdrawal requirements after age 71


More on RRIF

Corporate buildings


Business Account

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Invest at your corporate tax rate instead of your personal rate



Tax rules may require the advice of an accountant

Personal Savings

Personal Savings

A personal savings account can be user for short- or long-term goals. Save for any reason with low risk and high rewards.

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Non-registered, potentially taxable, accounts



Can be opened in one name or joint with another person


More on Personal Savings Account

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A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is an easy way to save money for post-secondary education. RESPs help you by collecting money through government grants and accumulating all earnings on your investments — tax-free.

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Save for post-secondary education for your children or grandchildren



Money grows, tax-sheltered



Government grants, learning bonds and more can increase your savings significantly


More on RESP

tax document


A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is an individual investment plan that allows you to save and grow your money while earning tax-free investment income.

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Your money grows, tax-free



Annual contribution limits are set by the government


More on TFSA



The RDSP is a tax-deferred savings vehicle designed to help parents and others save for the long-term financial security of people with severe disabilities.

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Money grows, tax-sheltered



Government grants and savings bonds can increase your savings significantly


More on RDSP


The trick is to know which investment product to choose for which type of account. Each account has its own rules and tax treatment. It can get a little murky sometimes, even to experienced investors — just one more reason to work with a Libro Coach to pick the best investment type for your goals.

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Mutual Funds

Mutual funds* are a collection of stocks and bonds that are funded by shareholders (unit holders). They are professionally managed and diversified to spread risk.

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A mix of investments that fit your investment goals and risk appetite



Socially-responsible mutual fund* options are available through our partner, Credential Asset Management Inc.


More on Mutual Funds

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VirtualWealth is a simple online investing service that provides you with a professionally managed, low-cost portfolio to match your personal financial goals.

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Digital advice online investing service


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GIC/Term Deposits

A Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) allows you to lock your money in and let interest build. Your money has nowhere to go but up!

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100% guaranteed investment principal



Term deposits from 30 to 365 days



GICs from one to five years


More on GIC/Term Deposit

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Investment Shares

When you invest in Libro Investment Shares, you join us in promoting a thriving local economy, while gaining a solid financial return.***

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Libro Class I Investment Shares are an exclusive investment opportunity for Libro Owners. We currently have a waitlist for all investment shares.


More On Investment Shares

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Qtrade Direct Investing**

Qtrade Direct Investing** is Libro’s preferred solution for Owners who want to manage their own investments, or a portion of their own investments.

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Online option for managing your own investments


More on Qtrade

*Mutual funds, other securities and securities related financial planning services are offered through Credential Securities, a division of Credential Qtrade Securities Inc. Credential Securities is a registered mark owned by Aviso Wealth Inc. Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc.

**Online brokerage services are offered through Qtrade Direct Investing, a division of Credential Qtrade Securities Inc. Qtrade, Qtrade Direct Investing, and Write your own future are trade names and/or trademarks of Aviso Wealth Inc.

***1. Dividends (taxed as interest) are not guaranteed to be declared annually and are non-cumulative 
2. There is no market through which these securities may be sold. 
3. The securities offered are not deposits. The securities offered are not insured. The dividends on the securities are not guaranteed. 
4. Class I Investment Shares are subject to the transfer and redemption restrictions under the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994 and the restrictions under the Offering Statement.

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